switch statement

英 [swɪtʃ ˈsteɪtmənt] 美 [swɪtʃ ˈsteɪtmənt]

网络  switch语句; 分支语句; 开关语句; 转换状态; 切换的陈述



  1. Search the Web for general subjects such as javascript dom, javascript tutorial, javascript reference, or more specific subjects such as javascript switch statement.
  2. First, you parse the ID from the XML structure returned from PHP, then you use a switch statement to direct the error to the appropriate message or associated code.
  3. This is part of a large switch statement that enumerates each method; this will become important later.
  4. Switch to the stored procedure editor ASSOC_PROC and pass the code between the cursor declaration and the cursor "OPEN" statement.
  5. Then it uses the all-too-familiar switch statement to determine the error level and craft an error message appropriate to that level.
  6. The OMG CORBA specification describes the IDL union as a cross between a C union and a switch statement.
  7. A little trick of using a dictionary as a switch statement is used here ( although the otherwise case remains too narrow in the example).
  8. Here the enumerated value is passed into the switch statement ( remember, getGrade() returns an instance of Grade) and each case clause deals with a specific value.
  9. It is similar to a switch statement in the Java language and many other languages.
  10. If the vendor name is recognized, the switch statement follows the expected pattern for that vendor.
  11. The good news is that we don't have to change our code if we switch databases, except for the places such as the use statement and the new statement where we mention Persistent:: MySQL by name.
  12. Extending the reach of the switch statement, not only to strings but also to other types, has been the subject of repeated enhancement requests over the years.
  13. A switch/ case statement is used to delegate to appropriate functions.
  14. Ceylon also ensures ( at compile time) that the switch statement contains an exhaustive list of instance tests or, at a minimum, an else clause to provide complete coverage.
  15. Within the switch statement of the tcp_usrreq() function, the case for PRU_LISTEN checks if the socket is bound to the port.
  16. Without it, or the equivalent-C switch, Perl prints a warning about wide data in the print statement ( see perldoc perlunicode and perldoc perlrun for details).
  17. One of the language features introduced in Java SE7 is to allow the switch statement to operate on variables of type String as well as on primitive types and enums.
  18. The first thing to notice is the switch statement, which works in conjunction with the enclosed case statements.
  19. Not all enum constants covered on switch Missing enumerations on a switch statement, meaning that you may miss some enumerated options.
  20. We resorted to using a simple switch statement in order to define the class value with more control.
  21. Then, it uses a state machine ( a switch statement, that is) to determine whether an incoming character represents the end of a partition.
  22. Although it isn't the optimal solution, multiple elif statements can be used to mimic the switch case statement present in some other languages.
  23. This is the conventional way to build a switch statement, but the break is optional.
  24. This operation will first switch to the top frame of the call stack and then set the next statement to a different function. Are you sure?
  25. The switch statement selects from among pieces of code based on the value of an integral expression.
  26. Augmenting the switch statement to include Strings.
  27. Polymorphism is a feature that cannot be viewed in isolation ( like a switch statement can, for example), but instead works only in concert, as part of a "big picture" of class relationships.
  28. One of the primary reasons for this is primitives and instructions are wrapped in a huge switch statement in C, which is a pain to maintain by hand.
  29. Although it appears you're switching on a character here, the switch statement is actually using the integral value of the character.
  30. I get the int and store it in n.The switch statement takes inside its parenthesis an int or a char or some primitive type.